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Torre C of E Academy Celebrate the Grand Opening of ‘The Sanctuary’

Writer: ACEACE

On Tuesday 10th November, pupils from Torre C of E Academy in Torquay were excited to celebrate the grand opening of ‘The Sanctuary’. Thanks to a grant from the Benefact Trust (formerly the All Churches Trust) and generous donations from families from the school, local businesses and the community the school has erected a wooden structure to be used as a sanctuary. When pupils and staff are feeling overwhelmed and would like somewhere to go to find peace, this is the place for them. The structure has been carpeted and furnished with comfortable seating and is equipped with a range of activities to enable those visiting to reflect, have some quiet time, pray (if they have a faith), be still and be mindful. There are pupil leaders supporting this project including Worship Leaders, Mental Health Ambassadors and School Councilors. They have worked with other professionals including the NHS Mental Health Support Team who provide councilors for school pupils who need support with low mood and anxiety.

The Headteacher, Suzanne Julyan said, “This was a much-needed space for us after the challenges of Covid. More and more of us need support with our mental health and at Torre, we believe our children need teaching how to be mentally healthy to support them as they move off to secondary school and then adult life. Those pupils with a faith have spoken about how great it will be to have a quiet space they can go to be still and to pray. We hope to be able to open The Sanctuary up to our wider family networks as it becomes more established.”

The Sanctuary was officially opened by Father Peter March from All Saints’ Church in Torre (the school Parish Priest) with a member of the school’s multi-academy trust - Academies for Character and Excellence (ACE) Board of Trustees, Phillip Mantell, along with our Mental Health Support Team Worker and parents who supported the venture.

The school and its pupils would like to thank all who supported, including Greendale Flooring of Torquay who donated carpet tiles.


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