“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts”
Genuine Collaboration

‘Let’s work together’ is a phrase often used within our Trust. Not only do teams work closely together in each school, but we have teams that work closely together across the Trust. Without our Project Teams, Trust Improvement Groups (TIGs) and Portfolio Groups the collaborative culture would not be as strongly embedded or feel as rewarding.
Our governance structure is a collaborative bedrock with our governors working not only with others in their local committees, but also with governors from other schools that hold the same portfolio. This enables everyone to collaborate, share ideas and best practice across the Trust, which has benefitted their development and the contribution they make within their role. There is also a close link between our directors and governors with the emphasis on working together. Information from local committees is shared to the board whilst, following each board meeting, information is cascaded through our local committee Chairs’ meetings which is led by the CEO. It is integral to our belief in genuine collaboration that we work seamlessly as one governance team.
“Above all else, it is the support that the Trust offers which has been the most important factor for me in joining the Trust, not just for governors but for the school staff too. We are also given a clear focus as to our monitoring enquiries and I also appreciate being able to speak to other Trust governors about their experiences in their own schools.”
Chair of Governors
Collaboration is hardwired within our organisation. We use an Executive Leadership model to ‘moor up’ alongside less experienced Headteachers to support in the school improvement journey. Our Executive Leaders also provide strategic leadership and support across the Trust for inclusion and SEND, interpretation and use of school performance information, English, Mathematics, RE and leadership of Church schools.
Our Headteachers meet and collaborate weekly for the Education Leadership Team meeting. This meeting is highly valued by our Heads and has also created a culture of Headteachers supporting each other outside of these meetings.