ACE Nutrition

Our concept of well-being is ensuring that our children, and staff, flourish. We mean this in the holistic sense. We want our children to have a full and rich experience in school, to develop character as well as success in academic results.

School meals matter. It has been well documented that children who eat nutritious meals every day and lead active lifestyles tend to excel. At ACE we recognise that our schools are on the frontline of efforts to improve childhood nutrition and our collective health. Improving the meals that our pupils eat in schools is an important step to achieve that goal.
ACE Catering service is passionate about ensuring the well-being of young people, through healthy and balanced nutrition We pride ourselves on a high-quality in-house catering provision working closely with local suppliers to ensure we use as much local, seasonal, British and organic produce where we can. We see this as an important investment in our children and their future health and well-being.
Our talented ACE Catering teams work together to achieve positive outcomes for our pupils and also collaborate with their local communities. Through improving school meals, we are not only providing important nutritional assistance, but are also helping pupils to be better equipped to feed their minds.
ACE catering teams are making positive steps to sustainably manage their energy, water and waste. Through the sustainable catering charter they are also actively increasing local and seasonal produce, using high welfare meats but less of it and increasing grains and pulses to minimise the impact of climate change.
“We were delighted that Totnes St Johns made it through to the final with a fantastic application. All three finalists are really exceptional schools exemplifying how bringing food into all aspects of learning supports good food and academic achievements in equal measure”
- Food For Life

“To transform school food culture across the academies for Character and Excellence by becoming a nationally recognised sustainable school catering service offering freshly prepared, tasty, healthy meals prepared by exceptional teams that also add value to their schools through operating community projects, teaching practical life skills and creating healthy communities.”
Catering Strategy - Aspirational Core Purpose

Through our curriculum, our schools ensure that every child understands the impact of the food they eat on their health and the environment, and has the food skills to live a healthy life.
“The best schools do a brilliant job of weaving food education – cooking, growing vegetables, even modest efforts at animal husbandry – into school life and the curriculum”
School Food Plan
Food Education

All of our schools are part of the national Food For Life programme which is a whole school approach to school food encouraging excellence in school food, food education, growing and community partnerships, allowing our children to expand their palates, try new foods, understand where their food comes from and make healthy choices.
Food For Life

The emotional health and wellbeing of our pupils is just as important as their physical health and wellbeing. It is important our pupils learn to manage and articulate their emotions, deal with different situations and communicate in appropriate ways in order to flourish and support effective learning.